The desire to minimize enlarged facial pores is common for tropical skins like for Filipinos. This typically affects the nose and cheek areas. The good news is there is a way to minimize those pores. With the right facial care product, their size can be reduced! But before anything else, you must first understand what causes your pores to be larger than life.
Enlarged pores may be caused by your genes, lack of exfoliation, or ageing. Your genes play a crucial role in determining your pore size. In essence, the oilier your skin, the more noticeable your pores become. Ageing also plays a role since your pores will naturally increase in size with ageing. Inadequate exfoliation is also a culprit. You see, excess surface oil and dead skin cells can accumulate inside your facial pores which makes them appear larger than they really are. If you're not careful, those oil plugs may even lead to blackheads, whiteheads, and acne.
Fortunately, there are pore minimizing products that can help you care for your face. They can effectively refine the appearance of those pores. The pore minimizers being sold in the market today can refine your pores through oil regulation, exfoliation, or light reflection. I believe the most effective is exfoliation because of it's cleansing action. Blackheads which turn dark due to oxidation can make the pores more visible. Exfoliants can refine this by removing the sebum and dead skin cells trapped inside those pores.
Experiment, if you must, in your search for the pore minimizer product which suites you best. But please, exercise caution when choosing the product to use on your face. After all, you only get one of those in your lifetime.
Start minimizing your facial pores! It can be done! Chris & Chat Pore Minimizer is available at Chris & Chat Spa and Facial Care.
beat an egg white and smooth evenly over the section of large pores. wait until it dries to wash off. repeat once a week until pores are small. and apply moisturizer. clear pores