Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Slow Down The Wrinkle Process with FACIAL YOGA

If looking ridiculous will help slow down the wrinkles from showing up on your face, will you be willing to give it a try? If you could keep your face looking young without the costly anti-aging creams, peels, botox, and facelifts, will you be willing to give it a try?

If you answered with an astounding “YES”, read on.

Learning to control movement in the face can slow down the effects of aging caused by repetitive habits. Muscles in the face have one purpose -- facial expression. When those muscles tighten, you get creases on the forehead, around the eyes and lips. Botox works by paralyzing those muscles so you can't use them. If you can mentally relax your face and avoid bad facial habits, you can help prevent lines from appearing. It just takes more work. You can do this through the latest and most cost effective anti-aging fad: Facial Yoga.

Exercise caution as you try facial yoga. According to Marie Veronique Nadeau, author of The Yoga Facelift, there is a right way and a wrong way to exercise your face. Any expression that you make repeatedly creates grooves in the surface of your skin. Make the expression over and over and the lines stay in your face even when you have stopped making the expression. Look in the mirror frequently to make sure you are not wrinkling other parts of your face when you exercise. Done correctly, facial exercise can help smooth out expression lines because, for one thing, you become aware of how you are using your face.

Stress is one of the major causes of facial wrinkling. Furrowed brows and clenched jaws, often in response to stress, can age the face tremendously. Although there are more effective ways to combat aging, quieting your frown through facial yoga can be beneficial.

Exercise your face! Slow down the wrinkle process with facial yoga! You may not burn many calories, but you could take some years off your face.

Click here for more photos on Facial Yoga.

Here are some great books and instructional videos on facial yoga.


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